
French Macarons

Macarons - biancolievito
Macarons are well-known French pastries made of 2 shells of meringue enriched with almond flour and filled with delicious chocolate ganache or other fruit creams.
In this recipe, I'll show you how to make the perfect shells! After that, you can choose the color and the filling that you like better!
Preparation: 30 minuti
Cooking: 20 minuti
Total Time: 50 minuti
RECIPE FOR: 8 People


  • Stand Mixer
  • Baking Sheet
  • Cooking Thermometer


  • 250 gr Natural Almond Flour
  • 250 gr Icing Sugar
  • 90 gr Egg Whites
  • Gel Food Coloring

For the Italian Meringue

  • 250 gr Granulated Sugar
  • 80 gr Water
  • 100 gr Egg Whites
  • 10 gr Dry Egg Whites (optional)



  • Briefly mix almond flour and powdered sugar (this preparation is called "tant pout tant" or tpt).
  • Sift the almond flour and sugar mixture 2 times to obtain a fine powder
  • Mix the tpt with the egg whites and work the mixture thoroughly with a spatula before adding the gel dye. Consider that the color will fade slightly in baking.

For the Italian Meringue

  • In a stand mixer, start whipping egg whites and dry egg whites at medium speed.
  • Bring the water and granulated sugar to 118°C (245°F) and pour over the whipping egg whites. Keep whipping the meringue until it reaches 50°C (122°F)


  • When the meringue is ready, incorporate it into the almond mixture; to do this, combine a small portion of meringue with the almond mixture stirring from the bottom up with a spatula.
  • Shape the shells on baking paper using a pastry bag with a smooth nozzle and rest at least 30minutes at room temperature to form the skin.
  • Bake in the oven at 170°C (338°F) for 20 minutes keeping the oven door slightly open
  • Once cooked, remove the shells from the pan and let them cool before filling them with the chocolate ganache (or another filling you like better)
  • Once filled, I recommend keeping the macarons for 24 hours in the fridge before serving.


In Biancolievito's Pastry School, you will discover all the secrets to prepare an excellent Meringue!



Serving: 100g | Calories: 432kcal | Carbohydrates: 69g | Protein: 9g | Fat: 16g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 43mg | Potassium: 39mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 63g | Calcio: 66mg | Ferro: 1mg


2 comments about “Macarons”

  1. Ciao! sono Ramona e ho già realizzato i macarons diverse volte. Da diverso tempo però vorrei un suggerimento di un esperto ed è il seguente: che tipo di farina di mandorle utilizzi e come fai a setacciarla per il TPT? considera che io utilizzo la farina di mandorle che trovo al supermercato, procedo con la tostatura in forno e poi la setaccio con un setaccio a maglie finissime… ma faccio una fatica incredibile e quest’operazione mi fa perdere un sacco di tempo! sarei felice se tu potessi darmi qualche consiglio in merito :)))
    grazie fin d’ora e buona giornata.

    1. Ciao Ramona,
      onestamente non hai bisogno di setacciare la farina di mandorle, perché oggi le farine che acquistiamo sono già molto raffinate e non contengono bucce.
      Ti consiglio piuttosto di unire la farina di mandorle e lo zucchero a velo e mixarli in un mixer per qualche secondo!

      A presto!

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